I figured I'd do a quick post with some Jake updates...sometimes I'm just amazed at what a little sponge he is. Even though he only has a few words that he says, he understands so much of what we say to him.
*His words are ball, bird (though I've only heard this 2 or 3 times), duck, dog, NO, mama, dada, whoa, uh-oh, wow
*Anything that's round is a ball...we were in Sams Club recently and he was going nuts in the cart, pointing & frantically saying "ball" over & over again. I finally realized that he was pointing to the gigantic stack of cantaloupes...we had to exit the produce section pretty quickly.
*Signs he knows are more, all done, eat, milk, please (and he made up his own for wash hands)
*He's starting to point to body far he knows teeth (he loves to point to mine for some reason), hair, head, feet, belly and hands
*If you say "where did it go?" or "what happened?" he shrugs his shoulder & puts his hands in there air, as if to answer "I dunno!"
*He loves to be's always the end of the world when we have to come back in the house (or even worse-leave the playground!!)

*He's starting to repeat a lot of sounds....if we say "Jake can you roar like a lion? ROAR!" he does his own little roar back :) (we've only got as far as a lion & a monkey so far)