Thursday, July 23, 2015

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's alive! And it's still summer!

Yes, yes...this blog is still alive and well.  Ok, maybe not well, it's been majorly neglected...but it's still here! :)  It's been a rainy, but very fun summer so far, and I have lots to catch up on.  The good news is, even with all of the rain, we've done a lot of fun "summery" things in the month of July, such as....

Lots of meals and cool treats outside:




Eating corn on the cob (while rocking a lobster shirt!):

Mini Golf:


Going to get fro-yo:

Going to fun birthday parties that include a carousel ride:

And then sometimes falling asleep in the car after a day full of fun:


Soooo....that's a quick snapshot of our July so far!  I'll post updates soon about the luau (it was fun!) and the treehouse (it's finally done!)....hope you're having a wonderful summer!!

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