Friday, July 3, 2015

Baseball: That's a wrap!!

We are officially D.O.N.E with baseball for the season!  It was fun to watch them play of course, but I was ready for a break.  And Liam had been ready to be done since the season started, so....yeah.  Let's just say it's a good thing we're done!! 

Liam might not have loved going every week, but he loved getting his trophy at the end!

Jake was selected to play in an all-star game near the end of the season, we were so proud!  Here is a hit from that game:

This was the first year that they got outs and strikes; as a mom, it was hard to watch sometimes. It's hard to see your kid looking discouraged and disappointed when he would strike out...but I know that it's an important life lesson to learn, and I was proud of him that no matter what, he always got back out for the next play.  I might have complained at times about the running around involved in baseball, but I really did love watching him play.  He made a lot of progress this year!! 

After the all-star game, there was a trophy presentation, where they announced each kid's name on the loudspeaker, so that was cool for them:


 Another season in the books!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about the complaining during the season but then being so happy that your family chose to participate. This was not an easy year for us to dive into baseball, but I am super glad we did it! Way to go, All Star Jake! :)
