Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow Tubing!!

Last weekend, Jake and I had a little getaway and went snow tubing for the first time.  Friends of ours own a condo at Hidden Valley and had invited the moms and older kids up for a night to enjoy the condo and go on a group outing to the snow tubing area of Seven Springs.  Agreeing to take part in athletic activities (especially ones outside in the cold) always makes me nervous because it's so far out of my comfort zone, but I was excited to's always fun to get away with friends and I was excited to do it with Jake.  Anything athletic-related tends to fall back onto Brian for obvious reasons, so it was nice to have something planned for just Jake and I that really spoke to his interests.

And here is where I say that I was totally wrong for being nervous at all, because we had a BLAST!!  Seriously, if you ever have a chance to go, try it!  It was a lot of fun (and ended up being nice and sunny-bonus!) 


After tubing for almost 2 hours, we headed back to the condo to chow down on some pizza then watch all of the kids (there were 6 of them total!) run around like crazy little people for hours.  They had a blast and everyone got along, so it was nice to sit back and enjoy some wine with the other moms. 

Happy Friday, everyone!!

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