Monday, March 2, 2015

Oh, why hello there, March!

That picture is a bit of wishful thinking, considering we have about 3 feet of snow on the ground right now (that may be a slight exaggeration, but that's how it feels)  Hard to believe we're in March already, but here we are!! 

February was kind of a blur or frigid temps, lots of snow, and a good mix of fun and down time.  We got in a good amount of lazy days and snuggling....

Time spent at home, playing....


Uncle Nate and Aunt Katie got Jake Super Mario Brothers for the wii for his birthday and they have been loving it:

Last weekend, we headed down to Washpa for the day to hang out, the kids enjoyed themselves!  Brian was feeling under the weather (found out later in the week he had a sinus infection), so he was able to get some extra rest there.

Playing with Liam's veterinarian kit

"Yep, he needs a shot.  Definitely needs a shot"
 And somehow, these two talked me into letting them have another sleepover the other day....I'm a sucker for them saying "Please, pretty please mommy?  We really want to snuggle!"  And sure enough, what did we find when checking on them later that night?  This heartwarming scene:

So, that's been us lately.  Hope you're staying warm!! 

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