Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tales of the Bus: thanks to your mama

My bus stop was approaching, so I moved toward the front and swiped my ID.  We got stuck at a light, so I was standing near the bus driver and he turned toward me and said, "The next time you talk to your mom, tell her I said thank you".  I could have sworn that's what he said, but thought perhaps it was just too early in the morning for my ears to be properly functioning, so I said "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you?", to which he replied, "Please tell your mom I said thanks...I'm assuming that's where you got your beautiful blue eyes from". 

So if there are any single guys reading this blog (for some weird reason), there you have it...I just spoon fed you your next great pick up line, courtesy of my bus driver.  You're welcome.


  1. LOL! Wow that's a new one. Your bus ride is definitely more exciting than mine with all of your stories.

  2. Haha. That is awesome. :) I hope you did call her and tell her. I think you look a lot like her, but I don't mean that in the creepy bus-driver way.
