Monday, March 12, 2012

Last trip of the season!

Due to the incredibly warm weather we've had pretty much all season, Brian and Jake took what was most likely their last ski trip of the year this past weekend.  Jake's buddy, Mason, from school also skis and his parents were generous enough to invite all of us to stay with them at their condo over the weekend at a local ski resort.  They also have a baby, so I decided to stay at home with Liam because it just seemed like way too many people in one place with a huge risk of no one getting any sleep.  But Brian and Jake headed up on Saturday night; the boys had a great time playing all night on Saturday and Brian was finally able to get Jake to settle down around and get some sleep around 10pm.  He was up bright and early the next day, too (in addition to losing an hour of sleep due to daylight savings time!), but Jake somehow managed to rally and ski almost all day.  That kid is dedicated to that sport.

Brian said that Jake has been getting much better at turning on his own without falling over, and he probably won't even need to use the harness much next year. 

He fell asleep in the car within minutes of pulling out of the parking lot, and once he woke up out of his coma at home, he spent the entire evening talking about his buddy Mason and their big ski adventure :)  Then, he crashed around 7:30pm last night and didn't get up until almost 7 today.

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