Monday, March 19, 2012

Liam's Baptism

It was a beautiful day to be baptized at Heinz Chapel!  Who knew it would be 70 degrees in the middle of March?  Heinz Chapel is very special to our family, it's where Brian and I were married, and where Jake was happy we could carry on the tradition with Liam (and the same pastor has performed all 3 ceremonies for us!)

My brother Nate and his wife Katie are Liam's godparents; I must say, I was very proud of Uncle Nate, he held Liam for most of the ceremony! (he has a small fear of being spit up on...and by small fear, I mean paralyzing fear) 

I was a bit nervous for the baptism; Liam is older than Jake was when we did this (10 months, versus 5 months) and is definitely in a phase where he gets upset sometimes when someone else besides me is holding him.  But I was so proud of him!  He must have been fascinated by everything going on around him, he let Nate and Katie hold him throughout the ceremony, and went right into the Pastor's arms with no problem. 

The grandparents stepped up to light some candles, promising to spoil Liam to the best of their ability, followed by the Godparents lighting their candles.

After that, it was time for his big moment!  Liam spent most of the time in the Pastor's arms trying to steal her glasses :)  She attempted to just leave them off, but then couldn't read the passages that she was supposed to be saying, so it was entertainment for the crowd, watching her trying to keep his little hands off of them.

Where am I??
Oooh, I'll take these pretty glasses
No, really...give them to me.
I said I wanted your glasses, not water on my head!

 I was also very proud of Jake; the ceremony started at 12:30pm which is usually very close to lunch and nap time for him, so I wasn't sure how sitting still for 20 minutes would go (especially since his BFF Ben was going to be there, I knew he'd be excited for that big reunion!)  But both Ben and Jake were angels, sitting with Uncle Dennis, enjoying some snacks.

these two crack me up!

We had some extra time after the ceremony, so I was excited to get some pictures before everyone started losing it from starvation.

GG & Pappy
Nana & PopPop
Aunt Amy
both of our families :)
The Martini Family

After the ceremony, we headed back to our house for a reception.  If you ever need to order food for a smaller gathering (we had 12 adults and 2 children) I highly recommend ordering a party tray from Mad Mex. We chose the taco bar, and it was very reasonably priced and you can't beat the convenience of just picking something up right on the way back home to the party.  All I had to do was get some drinks and set out some chips/salsa/queso, and we were set. Oh, and cupcakes, of course! 

Thank you so much to everyone who came and made Liam's day so special.  God bless you, Liam Joseph! 

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