Monday, December 5, 2011

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you'll remember that thanks to Brian, we've become the family who goes out to some farm and chops down our own tree.  However, we weren't sure that would happen this year since we had Liam.  After some deliberation last week, we finally decided Saturday afternoon to throw in the towel on the experience this year, with the promise that we'll make an effort to do it next year.  We checked out the selection at Lowes first, but those trees were deemed "wimpy" by the King of All Christmas Trees himself, and we ended up at a lot right across the street from our development.

While he might have initially been bummed about not going to chop it down ourselves, Brian came around very quickly when he found the tree that ended up coming home with us.  It's huge and really full, we were very excited!  To give you an idea on the size, when the guy was done trimming it and bundling it, he asked me which truck was ours.  I replied that we didn't have a truck, it was going on the Elantra parked right in front.  The other guy working turned around really fast and said, "you're putting that thing on a car??"  :-)

Liam slept through his first tree selection.
And what would Christmas be without some type of mishap??  Brian put the tree in the stand on Saturday night, but we forgot to put water in it (which actually ended up being a good thing...keep reading). We got up on Sunday morning & wanted to decorate it...I was testing the lights and Brian put water in the stand.  A few minutes passed and I looked down on the floor and noticed water leaking all over my living room floor!!  The stand must have had a crack it in.  FAIL.  So, at 7:30am on Sunday, Brian made an emergency trip to the store, bought a new stand, then had to re-do the tree.  At least we hadn't decorated it yet!

Once we finally got all of that sorted, we were able to decorate.  Jake was so excited he could barely contain himself :)

Liam was intrigued by the lights, and Gracie was super helpful as usual.

 Drumroll please...the finished product!

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