Monday, May 9, 2011

Operation Swingset

First, here is the timeline and breakdown of total assembly time for this play set:

Friday night: Brian worked on it for roughly 3 hours by himself. This step in the process was dedicated solely to taking inventory, labeling and sorting all of the pieces. According to my dad & Brian, this was a key step in the process.
Total time: 3 hours

Saturday: Brian spent about an hour by himself finishing up the sorting and trying to map out the best plan of attack. My dad arrived around 9 and they both starting working on the actual assembly around 9:30am. They worked until around 8:30pm that night, taking a few short breaks and 2 longer ones for lunch and dinner.
Approximate total time for that day: 10 hours
*Apparently, the directions were not very easy to follow and there were many steps to it that were mislabeled or showed pictures backwards; but they didn't realize this until a few steps later, causing them to have to figure out the problem, then disassemble pieces they already had put together.

Sunday: Brian went outside around 10am; took an hour break for lunch & to get Jake put down for his nap, play set was FINALLY done at 3pm!!!
Total time: 4 hours

Grand total time (drumroll, please!): 17 HOURS. SEVENTEEN.

But, I'm pleased to report that all of their hard work was worth it....check out this happy kid, who kept saying in disbelief, "This is my playground? this is mine??" :)

As always, Gracie took a supervisory role:

A big thank you to my dad for helping out all day on Saturday!! We had to drag Jake in last night for bed time (he asked to sleep in his "new house", meaning the clubhouse area of the set, and upon waking this morning, immediately asked to go outside and play)

I leave you with a video of Mr. Giggles:

1 comment:

  1. Looks great & glad you had a nice weekend to get it done. The key is definitely getting all the pieces together first - all those swing set directions are crappy so glad they figured it out! Now all you need is a baby swing :) !
