Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day festivities

I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day weekend. The celebration actually kicked off on Friday afternoon, with a tea party at Jake's school...adorable!

He was so excited to invite me to the party and had been talking about it all week. They had a few activities to choose from, but of course, being my kid, he wanted to do the cookies & tea first :) He tried his tea right away & I was surprised to see him start chugging it (I assumed he would have spit it out); I tasted it & realized that it was actually Turners-like tea (you know, the kind that's laced with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup & lemon?) I love that stuff, no wonder he declared it delicious!

After that, we planted a flower outside, then got our picture together & read some stories about mommies. It was so much fun, I'm so glad that our daycare does stuff like that.

And of course, they had been working on all kinds of fun projects at school that week:

While I didn't get to see my mom ON mother's day, we did get to spend the day together on Saturday while my dad & Brian enjoyed some bonding time building Jake's new swing set (that's a whole other post!). We went to a bridal store where my mom ordered her dress for my brother's looks great on her & that's one more item off of her wedding check list, score! We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Jake and enjoying burgers on the grill that evening.

On Sunday, I managed to sleep in (until 7:15am, go me!) When I woke up, Brian & Jake had made me a lovely card and had my cup of coffee waiting for me :)

Brian still had to finish the play set, so Jake and I had a movie morning & watched "How To Train Your Dragon" (very cute!). While he was napping, I caught up on some of my trashy reality TV shows...a nice, relaxing day, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mamas, furmamas, mamas-to-be and hopeful mamas out there, I hope everyone had a great weekend. And of course, Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mother-in-law....we love you both and are so thankful for all of your help, support and love!

1 comment:

  1. I love all these pictures! So cute. The school crafts are definitely something I'm looking foward to. :)
