Monday, April 18, 2011

Yet another update....

After that bump in the road last week, I have good news to pass along....all is well at this time with me & the baby! Since my blood pressure was acting up last week, I made a special guest appearance at the dr last Wednesday; it was still up at the office and I was spilling protein in my urine again. The dr. requested that I do a 24 hour urine catch to get a better idea about the protein level. Good times! I was to get an ultrasound the next day, too, then some blood work done on Friday.

So, Thursday I took the day off of work to do the 24 hour catch (I'm sure I could have done it at work but well, the idea of toting that around here all day & keeping it on ice just didn't seem appealing to me for some reason) Instead, I spent the day bonding with the DVR & Gracie. We went to the ultrasound in the morning and everything looked great (those were the 3d/4d pics I posted a few days ago) More on the u/s results at the end of this post....

My bloodwork came back fine, and my protein level from the catch was 176; it was 160 about 2.5 weeks before, so just a slight increase, but still nothing to worry about. They did change my weekly visits to twice-weekly, with a nonstress test each time. So while it's kind of a pain, it also provides me with reassurance, so it's fine.

I went back today for another checkup and NST, and everything looked great again. My blood pressure was 128/87, which is pretty much my normal at this point. The baby was moving around great during the monitoring session and I had lost a pound since last Wednesday; I look much less swollen than I did at that time, so I'm thinking I was toting around an extra pound of fluid :)

The dr. discussed my u/s results with me in more detail & said that she does feel they're overestimating his size (he was 4 lbs, 2 oz-which put him near the 80th percentile). She doesn't believe he's teeny-tiny, but said that all of the factors considered, she would be shocked if he's actually that size. She measured my belly & it hadn't grown any in a week and a half (it was around 31 weeks, so about 1.5 weeks behind, I'm 32 weeks 5 days)---nothing to worry about at all as it's not always the best indicator, but just something that we'll keep an eye on. I'll most likely have another growth ultrasound at 36 weeks anyway, so we'll have everything checked then.

She's still talking induction around 39 weeks, so as long as this little one can stay put between now & then, he'll be served an eviction notice in approximately 6 weeks!!! :)


  1. What a pain in the butt! I'm glad things seem to be going better - hopefully they will stay that way. I'm thinking about you and that growing little guy. Also, those last pics of Jake are TOOOOO CUTE!!!!!

  2. I don't know how you feel, but for me, your pregnancy has gone really fast!! :) 6 weeks!?
