Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!!

First of all, can we take a moment to pause & think about the fact that Easter has come & gone, and it's almost MAY at this point?? Maybe it's the crazy weather we've had (40 degrees sometimes, a lot of rain/wind, 70 degrees other days) that makes it seem unbelievable that we are almost done with April.

But, moving right along...we had a great Easter weekend here! Fortunately, the weather was actually nice on Saturday so after some errands in the morning (Jake got a hair cut, Brian did some housework...yay for checking things off a list!) we headed down to my mom & dad's house, where Jake got in some outdoor time before the rain moved in.

The Easter bunny brought Jake some goodies in his basket, but his real gift will be the play set that is on track to be put together in 2 weeks (shhh!! don't tell him, it's a surprise!) After much deliberation, we finally settled on this one from Toys R Us...I can't wait, I think he's going to be so excited!!

Here he is, searching for Easter eggs, then digging into his baskets:

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with GG, Pappy, Uncle Nate & Aunt Katie...and of course, EATING!!

Larry the Pug also joined us...after some intense playing, Gracie was spent for the day. It's debatable if she'll even be able to function today, she was in a coma this morning.

We also attempted to get some nice family photos...this was about as good as it was going to get!

We hope that everyone had a very happy Easter!!

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