Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now we're in New York.....

The weekend we had been counting down to for oh so long had finally arrived....girls weekend in NYC for Melissa & I!!!

After horrific flights in for both of us (I'm not usually scared of plane rides or turbulence, but this was the worst I've ever experienced-I won't go into specific details, but let's just say that between my flight & Melissa, there were spilled drinks, bags of ice applied to the airline attendant's head when she cracked it off a wall from falling and someone throwing up) But, we made it, safe & sound on Friday night!!

Saturday morning, we took our time getting up & ready for the day (we're such moms-we "slept in" until 6:45am) After enjoying a leisurely breakfast & coffee, we headed over to Rockefeller Center for our NBC Studio Tour (thanks to Melissa's aunt setting up the tour for us and including goody bags with all kinds of fun NBC stuff in them...I love my "Central Perk" tshirt!) I think we were most entertained on the tour by the fact that of the 28 participants, we were the only 2 Americans (the rest were part of a high school group from the UK), so they didn't really get any of the references on the tour. So it went something like this: the tour guide would say, "Ok, who knows who Jimmy Fallon is? Ok, besides my 2 Americans...anyone else? Anyone? No??" But it was fun & we got to see some cool stuff :)

After that, we got lunch at Stage Deli, where I enjoyed the Kevin Bacon Lettuce & Tomato Sandwich (delicious!) then we relaxed in our hotel room for awhile before heading out to a nearby pub for dinner, followed by cupcakes at Crumbs for dessert.

Sunday morning, we slept in a bit later (I think it was 7:30am, go us!!) and then headed to the Tribeca Grand Hotel to meet Melissa's cousins & their husbands for brunch. Brunch was delicious and we burned off the calories afterward by doing some shopping in Soho. I scored a pair of tall black boots for $24!

We headed back to the hotel mid afternoon to get ready for dinner & a show. We got a recommendation for a hole in the wall Italian restaurant called Tribizzi (I may be butchering that spelling), which was just a few blocks from the theater we were heading to...dinner was great, and very reasonably priced. Onto the show!! My friend Sarah is a travel agent & was able to get me a great deal on tickets to Chicago....we ended up being front row center. A-ma-zing. Side note-I never realized how much people spit when they sing. Or sweat when they're on stage. Or what great shape all of those people have to be could see everything from where we were sitting!! We both thought the show was great, another successful night!

We had requested tickets for the "Regis & Kelly" show months ago when we booked this trip; I hadn't received them in the mail, but we decided to try to get standby tickets Monday morning anyway. Now, we had considered the fact that it was a holiday & maybe they wouldn't be taping...but TV guide online AND the Regis & Kelly website both said "new". Liars!! After getting up & ready at 6am, catching a cab at 6:30 & getting to the studio at 6:45, we walked up to the building all smug when we didn't see anyone, like "Oh yeah...we got this one!" the security guard came out with a smirk & informed us that they weren't taping due to the holiday. Oops.

Onto Plan B---we didn't really have one, so we just stuffed ourselves with more coffee & bagels while we tried to figure out what to do with our morning. It was snowing, but we ended up walking back over to Rockefeller Center and doing the "Top of the Rock" tour, only because we had free tickets. I think the people working thought we were crazy & kept saying, "You know it's zero visibility right now, right?" Free tickets, nothing else to do! Here was our view:

I won't get into my adventure trying to get back home that day, because it was an absolute disaster. But what matters is, we had great weather while in NY, we had a really fun time and I think we both returned feeling a bit more recharged and enjoyed the weekend of relaxation with zero responsibilities.

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