Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Better late than never, right? Brian & I generally don't do anything for V-Day aside from exchange cards, but I did receive a cute little bouquet of flowers from him, Jake & Gracie this year.

We then had a romantic evening at home, during which we ate chili for dinner and watched The Bachelor :) Don't be jealous.

Once Jake heard there was going to be a party involved at daycare, he LOVED Valentines Day. I'll be adding in another nomination for myself for the "Mom of the Year" award; daycare sent a note home 2 weeks ago asking that we have our child decorate a brown paper bag at home to collect Valentines in at school during the party. Who totally forgot about this project until the night before, right after bedtime? And guess who was the one who was decorating said bag at 8pm that evening? Oops.

But, he still had fun at the party & has been taking his Valentines out of the bag every day after school to admire them. And Brian & I loved receiving these adorable cards that he made at school:

After a strange delay in the mail system, we received a V-Day package in the mail from Nana & PopPop yesterday---one of the goodies was this tiger, who Jake has named "Lovey". Apparently, yesterday was Lovey's birthday and we celebrated at home with a cake in Jake's kitchen.

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