Friday, October 8, 2010

Book Review: Millennium Trilogy

I can't review the full trilogy yet, as I haven't read the 3rd book, but I can't wait to get my hands on it. (I'm too cheap to buy the hardback, so I have to wait patiently for my turn to check it out from the library) If you haven't read these books, I'll give you a little warning....they start out a bit slow (especially the first one), and at times, they're difficult to follow...but I can assure you that once things get rolling, they are purely addictive. So if you try to start the first one & have problems getting into it, don't give up!!

Be warned that the characters are all Swedish, so their names are sometimes a bit strange. On top of that, the author jumps back & forth, referring to a character sometimes by his or her last name, then a few pages later by his or her first name, making it very confusing. And there are a LOT of characters to keep straight, especially in the first book. But I promise, you'll enjoy the them now, before the movies start to come out! :)

Up next: The Help, by Kathryn Stockett

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