Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Recap

We're still working on settling into the new house, so the weekend was spent tackling some house projects (hanging up pictures, unpacking more boxes that somehow keep turning up just when we think we're done, yard work, etc...) and having some fun in between the projects :)

On Saturday, the Carnegie Museums were having a free admission day, so Jake & I took advantage of the freebie & headed there to give daddy some time to mow the lawn & pull some weeds in the flower beds. Lucky for Jake, his buddy Lucas from his old daycare was at the museum as well and the two of them had a nice reunion :)

That night, we enjoyed Sir Pizza; I had heard of this magical place from some friends that live in our area and I will admit, this was the 3rd time we have enjoyed it since moving in. 3 weeks ago. Oh well. Clearly, Jake enjoys it as well:

Sunday brought cooler, fall-like weather and we took advantage of it by playing outside most of the morning.

After looking for a year, I finally found one of these Step 2 roller coasters on Craigslist for a really decent price a few weeks ago.

Sunday afternoon brought the Steelers game and this pot roast recipe for dinner. A fun and productive weekend!


  1. I got Caileigh that roller coaster a few years back (after stalking Craigslist as well) and it was! All kids love it and flock to it whenever they come over. Ours is faded now but still works! Try it sometime - its fun! :)

  2. I want one of those too -- I have wondered how to swipe it from the local mall play area without detection. haha :) Jake is looking so grown up to me.
