Monday, July 12, 2010

Saturday snuggles

If we don't have anything going on that we need to get up for, Brian & I typically alternate days on the weekends that we get to sleep in; Saturday was my day to sleep in. I got up around 7:15 (which is sad that that is now "sleeping in" to me...long gone are the days of crawling out of bed at noon!) and I found this on the couch:

I guess I wasn't the only one who needed more sleep that day! (if you look closely all the way to the right, even Gracie is snuggled up, fast asleep)


  1. That is adorable!
    EJ has turned into quite the weekend late sleeper. She sometimes sleeps until 9! Which is like 4 hours more than she did as an infant. If only I could sleep past 6:45... Oh well, gives Bella and I some quality time!

  2. Awww that is such a cute picture! Does Jake do that alot? Although I mostly like nap time for us to get stuff done, etc I did give in and take a nap with Kins yesterday! But she hasn't done the whole fall asleep on the couch/floor yet! Can't beat those moments though! Oh and yeah really sleeping in for me is 8!
