Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July: aka, Sweat Day 2010

Seriously, Sunday was probably the longest time I've spent outside in that kind of heat, ever.

My hair was crying from being tortured by the humidity. My deodorant was working in overdrive. Somewhere in the sky, planes were running into blind spots once they spotted the aerial view of my outrageously white skin. But, somewhere in between my overly-dramatic account of the weather that day, was a fantastic and fun picnic hosted by my parents at their house :)

We had a fun day, full of yummy food, family members and a competitive croquet tournament. I opted to not participate in the tournament. You're shocked, aren't you??

Jake was able to get some football practice in with my cousin, Ben:

And he had his first lacrosse lesson:

He was having so much fun that he refused to nap at his usual time...instead, he curled into my lap around 3pm and fell asleep on me :) He hasn't done that in so long, and if our skin hadn't been melted together by the beaming hot sun, I would have let him stay there. Instead, we brought out the Pack & Play and he took a nice outdoor siesta.

I'm happy to report that Gracie seems to be slowly warming up to the idea of Larry the Pug. She even drug herself off the couch & out of her afternoon coma long enough to chase him around the house for a bit.

We busted out some sparklers that night, and you could see fireworks from my mom's house, but Jake was not thrilled with either of these traditions. He said the sparklers were hot (true) and that the fireworks were too loud (also true).

The next day was another inferno, so we headed out to the local pool, Sunset Beach.

Jake was hesitant at first, but very quickly adapted and wanted to swim and splash and was begging to jump off of the diving board, go down the huge twisty slide and jump on the huge trampoline they had in the deep end. He was forced to settle for the slides that filled up the kiddie area, but he had a blast.

Leaving was brutal. Let's just say that it was me, my mom and a 27 lb toddler who somehow musters up Hulk-like strength when he needs to: combine all of this with trying to pry a swim diaper and wet clothes off of a kid who doesn't want to leave, and it looked like a scene out of Fight Club by the time we were done. Good times, people...good times.


  1. I hate hot too. You can always wear more clothes in the cold but you can't shake the hot.
