Friday, July 16, 2010

(New) Home Sweet Home

I know it's been awhile since I've posted an update on our home buying/selling process, but I didn't want to jinx anything...but now that papers are signed and inspections are done, I feel confident to share the news....we sold our house AND bought a new house!

To make a long story short, we put our house on the market June 30th...the first potential buyers came to see it on July 3rd (just as I was starting to panic that no one had to come to see it yet and that we were never going to sell it). They came through in the morning, made an offer that afternoon & we had worked out the details by that evening. Imagine my relief that I no longer had to keep the house looking immaculate!!

They had their inspection the following week and everything was fine, they're not asking us to do anything to the house, so that was one worry out of the way.

Now...onto our new house! You may remember me posting about the 1st time we went out house hunting, how we saw 3 houses and had weird experiences at 2 of them, but really liked the 3rd house we saw. Well, we couldn't get that house out of our minds, so as soon as ours sold, we knew we wanted to go see that one we did, and we loved it even more the 2nd time around. We went to see some more houses, but just found ourselves comparing everything to The House. We discussed it at length, slept on it, thought about it another 2 days, then made an offer last week...after going back & forth briefly with the sellers, we came to an agreement, woohoo!!

The inspection of that house was yesterday & everything went well; a few minor problems, but nothing at all horrible or deal-breaking. We are waiting to get the results of the radon test, which should be done tomorrow.

So that's where we stand with the process thus far; we are so excited and I'm so anxious to get into the new house & really make it ours. It's the house that we see ourselves in for a very long time and we can't wait to get started. August and September are going to be completely chaotic, but it will all be worth it.

And now...the moment you've all been waiting for...the new house! Obviously, this is with the sellers stuff, so just picture us in here instead :)


Living room (2 shots of it, one side has built in bookcases & a window seat):

Kitchen...I'm excited to be able to fit a table in here (we currently eat in what is supposed to be our "formal" dining room):

This is the 2nd living room, which is in the addition portion of the house...we plan on using it as Jake's playroom, since it's right off the kitchen:

Other half of what will be the playroom:

Dining Room:

Screened in sunroom:

What Brian is most excited about...the bar area of the gameroom :)

Master bedroom:

What will be Jake's room:

Bedroom #3 (I forgot pics of bedroom #4):

And some outside pics:

Please keep your fingers crossed for us that everything goes smoothly over the next few weeks. :)


  1. beautiful new house! I love the living room and entry especially, and the back yard looks awesome!! Fingers crossed for smooth sailing for you on all fronts.

  2. I love the house. Great yard & patio, and I'm so jealous of your living room window seat.

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!! The house is BEAUTIFUL!
