Monday, July 19, 2010

Luau Party 2010

Over the weekend, we had the 4th (and last) luau at our house. Don't worry, we will of course be continuing the luau tradition in our new home next summer!

As always, I put my guests to work when they arrive. Don't they look thrilled to be skewering fruit? Less scowling, more fruit! Get to it!

We always seem to luck out with the weather every year; it was hot this year, but not unbearable and we managed to avoid the possible storms they were calling for that afternoon. Brian added onto his homemade tiki bar this year and concocted some new drinks for everyone to enjoy.

It's amazing how the number of kids seems to multiply each year and how you can track time by how big some of the kids are. We've had some kids who have been attending the luau every year since it started! I think all of the kids had a blast and a few people commented to me how nicely they all played together.

I found a box of leis at the end of last summer for $3; little did I know they would be such a hit with the kids. Who needs toys? Just pick up a box of these next time you're out, your kids will be entertained for hours.

The box was first discovered by Jake & Ben:

And then by Jake & The Boss (who really took it to the next level):

Also, you may remember The Boss from last year's luau post...there was some young love brewing at the party and they seemed to be quite fond of each other again this year :)

Trying to impress her with his football skills....

I also need to add a random observation: you know you're getting old when you're putting together a music playlist for the party, and instead of adding on any songs that are fun and would put people in a party mood, you instead have to play them first to check whether or not they are suitable for small ears. Sorry you couldn't make it to the party this year, Puff Daddy. Or P. Diddy. Or Diddy. Whatever. See there? I don't even know his name anymore. Old. *sigh*

Don't worry, there was plenty of Lady Gaga for Jake to dance around to:

We had such a fun day....thank you to everyone who came out to party with us!

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