Monday, April 12, 2010

Now THIS is great weather!

I am the first to admit that I'm a whiner when it comes to the weather....I enjoy fall the most and I like a little bit of snow around Christmastime, but other than that, I hate extreme weather. I hate freezing at the bus stop. I can't stand to break a sweat, so I really despise heat waves in the middle of summer. And you know what else is annoying? Getting bypassed by this little season called "spring", which is exactly what was happening here in the burgh recently! Oh sure, mother nature....I just love going from 30 degrees to 85 degrees in the course of 48 hours....super fun!

Fortunately, mother nature seemed to hear my whiny pleas to bring back spring because this past weekend was perfect. In the mid-60's, sunny and not humid....ahhhhhhhh. Look how pretty everything is now that it's blooming:

We went to the zoo Saturday afternoon....we've gone to the zoo dozens of times and out of all those visits, never once has Jake even looked in the general direction of the gift shop. But for some reason during this trip, he decided to veer into the shop and announce "I go shopping!" We let him look around at the merchandise, figuring that the allure of looking and not buying would soon wear off, but then I turned around and saw him hoisting a PPG Zoo sippy cup with elephants on it up on the counter and saying "I buy this now". We had a good time once we finally got him to leave his shopping expedition....I felt his pain, I know what it's like to leave a store empty-handed *sigh*

On Sunday, we put together his new Sand & Water table that was a Christmas gift from Aunt Missa, Uncle Dennis & was a big hit!!

Gracie finally got her hair cut and feels like a new woman...she had some extra pep in her step and even took time out of her busy napping schedule to join us outside for a bit.

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