While I love reading my own books, I definitely read more kids books in a week than my own, so I figured why not review some of those? Some of the favorites in our house are the classics (Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, I Love You Through and Through, etc....) but for this post, I'll list some of the books that I hadn't heard of until we received them as gifts.
I don't have lists or pictures of some of the more popular ones, because they're just little ones that I pick up in the dollar bins at Target (LOVE those bins!) They often have Sesame Street board books, that are themed with counting, colors, shapes, etc....Jake LOVES them.
Here are the favorites in our house:
The Barnyard Dance - Sandra Boynton
My Big Truck Book -Richard Priddy
If Animals Kissed Like We Kiss Goodnight - Ann Whitford Paul
If Kisses Were Colors - Janet Lawler
On the Night You Were Born - Nancy Tillman
Hippos Go Berserk! - Sandra Boynton
You're All My Favorites - Sam McBratney
Emmy, I can't read the night that you were born. It makes me so emotional, haha!