Monday, June 8, 2009

Lions and Tigers and...The In Laws?

It was a busy weekend for us....Brian's family came in for a visit and the weather cooperated for lots of fun outdoor time. We spent some time at the park....

And some time with a new wheelbarrow (Brian already has plans for putting Jake to work next weekend)....

We dressed the men up in matching hats for an excellent photo op....

We picked flowers....

And what's a weekend in our house without a trip to the zoo??

I'm not sure what came over Jake on Sunday, but it was the best trip to the zoo thus far. He stayed in his stroller nearly the entire time (even after we took him out so that he could walk around the aquarium, he then asked to get back in his stroller once we were done with that part. Let me state for the record that this has never happened...usually once we take him out, it's a fight to get him back in) and we made it through the whole zoo!

The polar bear swam right up to was Jake's reaction (when he swam away, Jake frantically signed "more"):

They were having a "beach party" so Jake got a sneak peek of what our vacation will be like in August. Let's just say that I hope he gets used to his feet being in the sand between now & then...he was quite unsure of walking through it.

We had a great weekend, but it always goes too fast. (and Mondays are always painful) Thanks for visiting, Nana, PopPop & Aunt Amy...we had a blast!! :)


  1. lol, love the title :o) you are so clever. Looks like you had a great day at the zoo!

  2. Jake is looking like such a big boy -- so mature! Glad you had such a nice weekend!

  3. How much do I love that picture of the boys wearing the hats?
