Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ba di di?

If you're a mom, do you ever wish you had some sort of magical baby translator that would tell you what your child was trying to say? "Ba di di" is a commonly heard phrase in our house; however, I have no idea what Jake is trying to say. Sometimes it sounds like a statement, other times like a question. It never seems to be consistent as to when he says it so that we could even figure it out. Please feel free to leave definition guesses in the comments section.

It seems like every few days, he says a new word, so I'm going to do my best to keep track of them on here (because let's be honest with ourselves....we all know that I will never remember to write them all the baby book that I swore I'd religiously keep up to date...typing is so much easier)

New words this week are: waffle, bus, PopPop, hi (usually drawn out, like "Hiiiiiii"), nana (for banana-and hopefully for the real Nana soon!) and please (which might be the cutest thing ever since it comes out as "peas")

He also tries so hard to say shoes and fish, but he gets caught up on the "sh" part of those words :)

Another new activity is singing...I have no idea what exactly he is singing, but it's so cute to watch him stack some blocks & sing a little song!


  1. I kept a sheet on the fridge on which I'd add Amelia's new words. I saw it often so I could add to it frequently. I stopped keeping track when I ran out of space!

  2. ba di di = bad daddy :)
    Not sure why Jake would say that or question that! Time to talk to Brian...

  3. How sweet. Jake is learning so much. My guess for Ba Di Di is Ball Gracie.

  4. Haha I Like beth's suggestion of bad daddy?! You will need to ask Brian about that one:) It sounds like Jake is really picking up on his words! How cute!
