Monday, April 13, 2009

A Visit from Nana & PopPop

I figured I'd do a quick weekend-recap post before I gush about Easter, which needs a post all to itself to show off all of the cute pics :) Brian's parents arrived on Friday & they were amazed at how much Jake has changed and learned since the last time they saw him a month ago.

The Easter celebration started out on Saturday when Jake received a surprise gift in the mail from Aunt Melissa, Uncle Dennis & Ben! Here is our little Picasso using his new sidewalk chalk:

Another exciting moment on Saturday was discovering that we had our 1st tulip of the season open that day! Bring on spring!!

That night, we went out to dinner at Claddagh Irish Pub to celebrate Nana's birthday. While the food was good, the service left much to be desired. Fortunately, Jake was very patient (since even his food took awhile to come out, then he had to sit in his chair & wait while we finished our food) so everything was ok. We came home, put Jake into some PJ's & told him that he needed to sleep in so the Easter Bunny had time to come in the morning (HA-always wishful thinking, right??) and Nana read him a story before tucking him into bed. Please note that this is his first pair of "big boy PJ's", 2 piece without feet. Doesn't he look adorable? :) The shirt says "captain heartbreaker".

1 comment:

  1. Love your tulip, my favorite flower. Wish I had some in my garden.
