Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

I think it's safe to say that Easter was a had all of the right components of a good holiday.

Gifts left by a large animal upon waking:

New stylish clothes:

The family pet dressed up in bunny ears:

Good times with family and friends:

(Please note everyone's shirt selections....apparently it was green day & no one told me. I was wearing a black shirt, surprise surprise.)
And of course, yummy food!

Thanks to all of the help that I had in the kitchen, the meal was delicious. My helpers decided to uh...lighten the mood with a little sangria but they still managed to pull it together when they needed to & get the job done. :) I also have to give a shout out to Nate's girlfriend, Katie, who did an excellent job of supervising Jake while the rest of us were busy running around getting everything ready. He was completely infatuated with her and spent a good part of the day grinning, flirting and trying to get her attention (and um, trying to dress her up as a bunny.)

I guess I picked a pretty good turkey because everyone said it was one of the most moist turkeys they've ever had. And just a warning...if anyone leaves a comment on here about not having ham on Easter, I will block you from my blog. My kitchen, my food choice :) Another hit of the day were the Garlic Cheddar Biscuits...I stole the recipe from the Spice Rack blog. Thanks to some encouragement from Michelle, (who assured me that the level of difficulty was a 0...and she is well aware of my kitchen skills) I worked up the courage to make them & I'm glad that I did. They were super yummy and super easy. (right up my alley)

I think I'll title this next series of pictures as "Going, Going, Gone!" Sometimes you just can't fight the post-turkey coma.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter!!


  1. The pictures of Jake falling asleep is so funny! Looks like everyone had a great Easter weekend.

  2. oh my gosh that is too funny him falling asleep in his high chair. cant say we ever had that happen yet! he's so cute and he looks so grown up but handsome in his tie;) looks like you did a great job with the meal:)

  3. Ummm...that tie and those shoes...I think Jake is well on his way to being a heart breaker. I am so proud of your cooking skills, Emmy!!!Who would have ever thought - HAHAHAHA!!! And, I will have you know, I have decided that my cookies ARE better than smileys. Although there is no E & P here so it has been a while since I have had one.

  4. love the pictures! Those biscuits sound yummy, I'll have to get the recipe!
