Friday, October 3, 2008

Top 5 Things I Love About Fall

In no particular order...

1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes; seriously, could there be a better treat on a chilly morning? (make sure you splurge & get the "real" ones from Starbucks...I got one from Crazy Mocha earlier this year & it was a huge letdown) I'll lump it in this same category, but I pretty much love pumpkin anything at this time of year...pie, rolls, cookies, doughnuts, etc...

2. Mums; I'm not sure what it is about a nice, big pot of mums, but they scream fall to me and make me very happy. I'm a big fan of the deep red variety.

3. Sweaters; I have a minor sweater obesession. When we moved into our house, we had to buy an armoir for the sole purpose of having a house for my sweaters, we didn't have room for them anywhere else. I am especially looking forward to this sweater season because last year I was pregnant & felt like I was in an inferno ALL the time, so sweaters were pretty much out of the question last season...but bring them on this year!! :)

4. Cooler Weather; sure, summer is great & all....but what's better than a lazy Sunday afternoon when it's chilly outside, curled up under some blankets?

5. Halloween; I don't know why, but I love Halloween, I always have! (maybe it has to due in part with my candy obsession? not sure...) I went trick or treating up until I was a senior in high school and enjoyed every year of marching around the neighborhood, costume on, hauling my stash of candy. I'm especially looking forward to it this year, when Jake gets to dress up for the first time! Pictures of him in his costume to follow, but in the meantime, here are some of Gracie in previous years.

1 comment:

  1. I love your fall list! May I say that I love apple cider? Great wedding photos in the post below too! :)
