Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!

I can't believe it's been TWO YEARS since our wedding! In that time, we've managed to buy a house, stuff it with some grown up furniture and have a baby.

Our actual anniversary fell on a Tuesday and we all know that I'm useless on school nights, so we just relaxed at home for the night. We started out the evening with a romantic chili meal, then watched our wedding video while drinking our bottles of Asti Spumante that were the favors at our wedding. (ok, by "bottles" I mean that I drank one bottle and felt a headache coming on, so I cut myself off...hey, it's been over a year since I've had a sip of alcohol!)

Our official anniversary celebration took place on Saturday...my parents came up to babysit Jake & Brian and I had our first real grown up date night out since he was born! It was a big night for us...surprisingly, I didn't cry, though it was weird to leave him. It was nice to get out of the house for a bit and wear clothes weren't covered in some combination of spit up, slobber or snot.

We went to Monterey Bay (which is located on Mt Washington-a great view of the city!) While I'm not a seafood fan at all (and I did make the comment "it smells like fish in here" when we walked in) the steak was delicious and even more important, the dessert (Apple Streusel Cheesecake) was to die for.

Take a stroll down memory lane with some of our wedding pictures (done by Lisa Kyle, if anyone is looking for an awesome wedding photographer!)


  1. awww, how pretty! Glad you guys had a nice date night, those are important! So *you're* the people the steak is on the menu for! LOL
