Sunday, May 11, 2008

My 1st Mother's Day

What's crazy is that last year at this time, I was pregnant with Jake (and didn't realize it!) I had really been hoping to find out that I was pregnant in time for Mother's Day last year....I ended up getting a positive test the next day, which was close enough for me! The last year has flown by, sometimes I still can't believe that I'm a mom. (of course, Gracie will always be my 1st baby, but you know what I mean!)

We had a great weekend...Saturday was my friend Jen's baby shower...Jen lives in Maine, so we don't get to see her very often, so it was great to have her in town!! She & Melissa are due one day apart (crazy, huh??)...what's even crazier is that technically (even though it was just for a few weeks) all 3 of us were pregnant at the same time. Which is only fitting since we've lived together and all got engaged & married within a few months of each other as well. Anyway--here are the 3 of us at Jen's shower (look how cute their little baby bumps are!):

Back to Mother's Day...the weekend started out great when Jake came home from school on Friday with his first piece of a proud mom, it brought a tear to my eye:

He's so talented! (Hopefully he's acquired Aunt Amy's art skills & not the skills of his parents). On Sunday, my parents came up for the afternoon and we went out to lunch and hung out at the house. Jake got me the perfect card....the outside had a picture of a donkey with a 75% off tag hanging from his neck & it said "Mom-I know how much you love a good bargain" and the inside said "So I got you this cheap ass card". ahhh....the little man has such a great sense of humor already! Oh and he also wrote inside "Thank you for being the best mommy ever....please stop coddling me" (I have a feeling someone was forcing his hand while writing that....)

Along with the card, I got a very nice picture frame collage to display pictures of Jake, along with a dozen of my favorite cookies (the really soft sugar ones with the huge glob of know, the ones that probably give you instant diabetes? them) My parents also got me a gift....when they were in NYC last weekend, they went to a book signing for Rachel Ray & bought me her family cookbook and Rachel signed it, wishing me a happy 1st mothers day...awwww!!!!!! (and as my dad said, "God knows you could use a cookbook!")

In conclusion, SuperBaby says Happy Mothers Day!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a nice first Mother's Day! Here's to many more super cute homemade cards from Jake!
