Monday, May 12, 2008

A Gallery of Gracie

I've been getting many requests for more stories/pictures of Gracie (ok, so the "many" requests are really only coming from my mom, but whatever) Gracie's world pretty much got turned upside down with the arrival of Jake, but I would say she's fairly well adjusted by now. The only problem she's seemed to have was with me! I was completely shunned by her after arriving home from the hospital...this went on for about 2 weeks! Even if I wasn't holding the baby, she would have nothing to do with be honest, it was very heartbreaking! (especially with my crazy post-partum hormones) But she got over it & we seem to be back on track now.

She's obesessed with the baby...I guess that should come as no surprise because she was pretty into my belly for the last part of my pregnancy, as evidenced here:

She got kicked a few times while he was in me, but that didn't seem to faze her too much after awhile :) Now, they are BFF....when I come home after work, I normally drop off my work bag, his diaper bag, our gameroom first so that I don't drop anything, then get him. it never fails that every single day, Gracie looks panicked when I come in without the baby...then she's so relieved when I bring him in that she insists on greeting him with kisses.

Part of Gracie's love for Jake could be because she loves his stuff. Pretty much anytime I'm not using the boppy pillow, you can rest assured that Gracie is keeping it warm for us:

Jake also has a rainforest playmat that we keep on the living room floor....there have been multiple times I've caught Gracie trying to stash her toys in the rainforest. We keep the pack & play behind the couch...Gracie was very interested in the first few weeks in being on "security" duty and watching jake while he slept in there. fortunately, we only had one incident of her falling into the pack & play (and the baby wasn't in it at the time!) I think she was embarassed by the whole thing, she didn't get up on the back of the couch for a few day after that...

Here are some pictures of the siblings:

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