Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Montana - Day 5

Just joining us for the Montana recap?  Check out all of the posts here!

Day 5 was really busy, and it deserves its own post!  The fun started in the morning with some water balloons!  Ben's sister and her husband had arrived the night before, and brought this awesome balloon launcher...this thing shot crazy far!

Some videos of the launching and the boys nailing each other with balloons:

Ben's parents were kind enough to rent a boat, jetski, tubes, and water skis for us to try out that day; the boys could barely contain themselves, they were so excited to try out the tube!


Uncle Ben had given them instructions before getting in and shown them the proper hand signals to give if you want to go faster (thumbs up) or slower (thumbs down)....Liam spent most of the ride frantically trying to give a thumbs up  and yelling things like, "I SAID FUMBS UP!"

Next up was me and Amy....I was really proud of us, we held on (despite screaming our heads off at certain points and getting our bums suctioned cupped down inside the tube)....at least the first time.  Pictures to follow of the 2nd time with a different tube that wasn't so pretty...


We interrupt this action packed post to bring you this adorable picture:

Back to the action!  Up next were Amy and Sally...

 Followed by Brian,then Brian and Jake....


We then took a short break from boating mid afternoon when the winds picked up, and the guys built this Hobie Cat and took it out for a spin:

Then we got back in the boat and decided to try out a different tube...this one didn't go as well.  Amy and I were tossed around like rag dogs and had to give a frantic motion to stop the boat....


See how we had to have our arms crossed?  That seemed like the best idea in terms of keeping us stable and on the tube; however, what actually happened was every time we'd hit a slight bump, our chins would slam onto the other person's elbow.  No bueno.

The water grew even more choppy/wavy by late afternoon, so we waited to test out the water skis until it was a bit calmer after dinner.  First up, Ben's dad Dave, showing everyone how it's done!

Giving Jake a lesson....

Video of Jake trying to get up...he almost made it!!  So proud of him for trying, and he probably could have been up if he'd kept going, but he checked out after this.  I can't say I blame him; it was 8:30pm and the temperature drops very quickly there once the sun goes in...he was shivering like crazy!

Up next was Brian...success!!!

View on the boat....

 Ben on the skis....I wish they weren't blurry because I think it's so pretty!

That's a wrap for day 5!

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