Monday, June 29, 2015

Welcome to the world, Luke!

The other great thing that happened while we were in San Diego was that our new nephew was born!!  Nate and his wife, Katie, were expecting their first child and Luke made his grand entrance earlier this month! 

Adorable, right??

I couldn't wait to meet him, so I took a day off of work, loaded up the boys in the car and set off to get my hands on those squishy little cheeks.  The boys were so excited, but confused when we walked in to find him sleeping in the pack and play.

After nearly dying of anticipation, Luke woke up and the boys were able to hold their new cousin for the first time:

Be still my heart! 

Jake was interested in him, but quickly became more interested in the fact that Uncle Nate and Aunt Katie have Netflix :)  He quickly became engrossed in a show we don't have access to at our house, but Liam continued to obsess over Luke.

Toward the end of our visit, Liam asked if we could take him home and really didn't seem to understand why that couldn't happen :)  It was very sweet, and they have both talked about him since then.  Over the weekend, they found a huge piece of cardboard in the garage and asked if they could bring it to the playroom to color.  I said sure, and they proceeded to decorate it then told me that it was a playmat for baby Luke, that way when he comes to visit they can lay him on it and give him some toys :)  it's the thought that counts!  

Welcome to the world, Luke!  We are so happy to have you here.

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