Thursday, June 4, 2015

Recent rundown

We are really in the homestretch here; June just snuck right up on us and today is Jake's last day of school and it's only a half day!  Let the summer camp shuffle begin!

Work on the treehouse has continued; I forgot to snap some shots of the actual updates, but I did get this one of the hard-at-work boys, doing their thing in the garage one day.  We are hosting the end of the season baseball party at our house in just a little over 2 weeks, so Brian has set that as his deadline so that the team can enjoy the house.  Fingers crossed!!

Speaking of baseball, Jake's team is really coming along.  It seems like they have fallen into a groove as a team, and many of them are getting some great hits and making awesome plays in the field.  For some reason this video is sideways, but here is a recent hit that Jake had:


As for Liam...well, there's only 2 games left :)  I don't know, he really does a nice job once he's there (with the exception of some poor listening skills/attitude at the game last week) but he really seems to dread going.  We started Jake in t-ball at roughly the same age (he was 4, but a few months older into the age of 4 with the way their birthdays fall) but maybe it was just too young for Liam.  Oh well....we'll finish out this year and give him the choice again next year.

On Saturday, we were supposed to have our annual neighborhood outdoor movie night, but off and on all-day storms prevented that from happening, so instead I had a temporary lapse in my sanity invited over some of the neighborhood kids and moms for an indoor movie night in our playroom.  We ended up with 10 kids, who were WILD when they first got there, but did settle down to watch the movie, so all was well.

Sunday morning, everyone was dragging due to the late night the night before.  We had plans of going to church, but then I realized that summer hours had started and there was no usual 9:30 service so we'd either be rushing like crazy to get there by 8:30 or not going until 10:30.  We decided to just skip it, and instead took the kids biking over at Jake's school (which is something he has been begging to do, apparently lots of kids at school talk about how they come there on the weekends!)


Earlier this week, Jake's class had a field trip to the Science Center and I chaperoned....I've said it before, but it's worth saying again....every time I'm in that classroom or around teachers, I appreciate them even more!!  It was fun, but phew...tough to keep track of kids in such a crowded place! (his shirt has those boxes on it to block out his school name)


Jake had to go back to school to finish up his day, and then when I got him off the bus we decided to pick up Liam and take a little impromptu trip to the laser tag place by our house.  Here was their reaction when I said where we were going:

  We had a blast!! 

We decided to keep up the fun by making a stop at our local library on the way home; they have a cute little play area in the children's section, so these two set up shop.

So that's been the last few days for us....Happy June, everyone!

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