Friday, May 29, 2015

Recent Rundown

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but school wraps up for Jake next week.  *GULP*  He's going to be a 2nd grader next year, you guys!!  Craziness. 

We've been playing, of course, both inside and outside:

"Is it naptime yet??"

We all got fresh haircuts recently....I was trying to snap a shot to send to my BFF and got photobombed by some freshly bathed boys:

We've been trying to eat things that resemble real meals, though between baseball and various other commitments, some nights we end up eating Mickey pancakes and sometimes some of us eat in our bathrobes:


Jake's school was closed last Tuesday for Election Day, so we took advantage of the nice weather and headed to the zoo with some neighbors:

Post-zoo crash.

 Last Saturday, our BFFs were in town and we were able to meet them for dinner (ADULTS ONLY, WOOHOO!  Thank you for babysitting, GG!)  Always a good time!!


That's a wrap for now!!!

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