Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy (day late) Mother's Day!  We had a really nice weekend that started on Friday with some celebrations at both schools.  Here are the boys on their way to school that morning, all dressed up and ready for the occasion!  Jake even volunteered to wear nice clothes...I nearly passed out, this from the boy who argues about wanting to wear sweatpants to church.


I may be biased, but I think they are both devastatingly handsome.

First stop was Jake's school, where they had made us some adorable crafts and a book...the book was awesome, and I can't imagine how much time went into it (from both Jake and his teacher!):

Placemat for our meal at the mother's day celebration
decorated gift bag


It's hard to read, but the picture is of Jake at our table and he's saying "yay, strawberries!" :)

Fun fact: I haven't been on a bike in probably 15 years.

translation: Let's me play her phone. 

After we had a chance to look at the gifts, the kids got up and recited a few songs and was the sweetest thing ever, it made me tear up!!  I tried to control it in an effort to not embarrass Jake.


We also did a little quiz; Jake's teacher had asked them questions about their mom earlier in the week...we had to try and guess what they said without looking at their answers:

The questions aren't on there, but as you can see we got a few matches :)  My personal favorite is question number 8; the question was "what does your mom do all day while you're at school?"  Jake knows that I work, so I thought this one was going to be a sure thing to get right....Jake's answer was "thinks about me".  Just about the cutest (and most amusing) parts of my day that day.

Next stop, Liam's preschool!  We were greeted in the classroom with a little song for the mamas:

After that, they had different, crafts, books, and cupcakes!


And he was proud to give me the gift they made in class:

On Sunday, the boys gave me the best gift of all by sleeping in until 7:45!  This is something occurs, um, let's see here...NEVER.  So, thanks boys!! :)

I received some cute cards, pretty flowers, delicious Reeses Cups, and this shirt that sums my life up perfectly:

The boys and I headed down to my parents' house mid-morning (Brian stayed behind for a good about that to follow!)

My mom got me this beautiful "daughter" Alex & Ani bracelet to add to my collection:

It was HOT, but we did get the boys outside to test out the new lacrosse sticks that GG had forgotten to give to them for Easter :)


After that, it was time for the highlight of the day....taking the boys to Sarris for ice cream for the very first time!!  If you're from the Pittsburgh area, you know that Sarris is kind of an iconic thing around here.  They have an adorable old-fashioned ice cream parlor (and chocolate factory, too!) and I was excited to introduce the boys.  I think they enjoyed it :)

I'm pretty sure Liam is sizing up Jake's portion and trying to figure out if he can mooch any! Look at those eyes!


This one has to be my absolute favorite picture of the whole weekend....I asked both boys to give GG a kiss on the cheek, and instead Liam said, "How about Jake gives her a kiss on the cheek and I'll be the shark in the picture?"

Doesn't every picture need a shark?? :)

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, moms-to-be, and hopeful moms out there.  And a huge thank you to both of the moms in our life, whose endless love and support are more appreciated than we can ever put into words...thank you, GG and Nana!!! 

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