Thursday, May 28, 2015

First Trip to Kennywood!!

Shortly after posting our summer bucket list, we were able to check one of the items off of it...we made our first trip as a family to Kennywood this past weekend! 

Thanks to a pretty short line, the very first thing we did was hop in line for the Sky Rocket; Brian and I both love roller coasters so we were hoping to be able to ride at least one while GG watched the boys.  This was a great way to start off the day....but Jake did not agree.  Apparently, he was quite concerned with our well-being the entire time.  No pics of us on it, but here is the coaster:

Ok, that's out of the way....time to get these kiddos on some rides!! 

Garfield's Nightmare (I think they meant to call it Garfield's Big Yawn)


Getting ready to take off on the Jackrabbit!!

We arrived at the park around 10:30am and made it through the gates shortly after 11am; we left for the night right around 8! There was a midday meltdown for Liam (we insisted that we take a break for lunch around 1:15pm....he swore up and down he wasn't hungry at all and wanted to keep riding rides....then he proceeded to then down a basket of chicken fingers and fries.  Nope, not hungry at all!)  :-)  But other than that, the kids did really, really well considering the heat and how long we were there. 

Ride-wise, there was really a lot they were able to go on.  As you can probably tell from the pictures, we did go to Kiddieland for a bit but the majority of our time was spent in the regular part of the park.  Their absolute favorite ride of the day was the Pirate ship...I lost count, but I think we went on it at least 4 or 5 times.

To the surprise of no one, Liam was begging to ride all of the big rides that he was too little to go on, poor thing.  And to the surprise of everyone that day, Jake went on the Jackrabbit!! (Liam did, too, but we knew he would)  I was so proud of him, I really wasn't sure if he was going to do it!!  He said he liked it, but didn't want to go on it again that day (which was fine, I didn't feel like standing in line again anyway, despite Liam yanking on my arm trying to get me back in line)

We had such a great time, I can't wait to go back!!

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