Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!!

The kids did their school celebrating on Friday, where they both took in valentines to their friends (Jake had ninja turtles, Liam had Paw Patrol....obviously.), and Jake made a cool box to take in.  Remember the days of wrapping up a box in scraps of a brown paper bag and then cutting out construction hearts to stick on?  Those days are behind us since now this non-Martha Stewart mama can buy an awesome $3 kit at Target and make the box into a pirate ship within minutes.

I have no idea what's happening in that last photo.  Moving on....

That e-card cracks me up every time....mainly because it's so true!  That being said, my v-day started out perfectly because I did get to sleep in until 7:30 that day, woohoo!! (and yes, 7:30 is crazy sleeping in around here, where someone is normally awake around 5:30....)  All 3 of my valentines got me a bouquet of flowers, tulips (my fave!), and Sarris chocolate (they know the way straight to my heart)


We spent a few hours late morning delivering valentines day baskets for the church; they were going to either shut-ins or people who are recovering from something (cancer, a recent death of a spouse, etc).  We took the kids with us, and I'm so glad we did....everyone's face lit up when they opened the door to find those two cuties standing there with a basket :)  If we can, we'd love to do it again next year!

The boys hung out in the afternoon while I ran out to my happy place (target, of course), then to get my eyebrows waxed...I nearly got snowed in there as a sudden crazy snowstorm came through.  It was really quite a sight!  Any small desire to go out to dinner that night was squashed by the storm, as we didn't want to get stuck in something again.  We went all out for our fancy family-friendly dinner at home, eating in the dining room and even busting out the china for our soup! 

The kids went to bed, and we watched one of our favorite shows with one of our favorite couples....our valentine's days aren't too glamorous anymore, but I wouldn't change a thing :)

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