Friday, January 30, 2015

Jake's Birthday Celebration

Trying to squeeze Jake's birthday post in here during his actual birthday month....where did January go??

His actual birthday fell on a Thursday, so he went off to school with his "special snacks" to share with the class (he chose cheesesticks off the approved list of school snacks...the times have changed, yes??) and that night, we went to his dinner pick....Eat N Park!  No complaints from me.  I'm pretty sure it was the first time he had been serenaded with the birthday song in a restaurant...he took it a bit better than I do, considering I have a panic attack and end in tears.

We headed home after a yummy dinner to open gifts....


Then the next night, GG, Pappy, Nana and PopPop all joined us for his family party!  I somehow manged to get zero pictures that night :(  But we ordered some food and Jake was spoiled some more...thanks for the gifts, everyone!

Saturday night we decided to carry on our tradition of not cooking (you know this made me happy) and we went to Red Robin for dinner.  Bottomless fries, you are my true love.

entertaining himself with a new sticker book from GG & Pappy

That's some laaaaaaaaaid back chicken finger eating right there.

The following weekend, we went into unknown territory....the very first friend sleepover.

When we first started talking about ideas for Jake's birthday party, he immediately said he wanted a sleepover.  I made him think about it for awhile, reminded him that we could only have a few friends over if we did this (not the 20+ that he's used to at his previous parties) and that he couldn't be disappointed if his friends decided they didn't want to stay all night.  He thought about it for a few days then confirmed that yes, he did want a sleepover. 

We decided to invite 3 friends....2 of them are right in our neighborhood and 1 lives about 2 minutes from us.  Easy escape routes if there was any middle of the night meltdowns :)  Jake requested a football theme and considering we were a week out from the super bowl, this theme was super easy to throw together using supplies from the dollar tree...score!!


The party to be expected when you put 4 boys together, I suppose :)  Lots of crazy running around, not a whole lot of sleep.  But they had fun, and hey...the party was a huge money saver.  Always a bonus. 

Hope you had a great birthday, Jake!!

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