Thursday, December 11, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Santa Edition

Tis the season...for crying Santa pictures!! Not every year has been full of tears....but every year is cute, regardless of the reaction.  Let's take a look back:

Jake 2008 - 11 months old (this is a terrible shot because it was somewhere that didn't allow parents to get close to take a picture....also, I'm just noticing that there is a semi-naked lady to the left...what staff person was responsible for putting that next to Santa's workshop??):

2009: Apparently, we didn't make it to see Santa that year.  Oops.  #Parentingfail

Jake 2010 (age 2):

whoa, getting a little close there, Santa Man!  Lean back!
2011: another year of no Santa, how have I failed so much??

2012: Ok phew, we went to see him this year.  Liam was not thrilled (he would have been about 18 months old, Jake was 4):

Those pictures were at a lunch with Santa at our community are some others taken a few weeks later at our friend's annual Christmas party...he seems to be much happier here!

2013, (Jake-5, Liam-2)

A few more from 2013 (at our friend's Christmas party):

 And of course, 2014 (Jake-6, Liam-3)

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