Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pre-Christmas Fun

It's so hard to believe that Christmas is over already, but here we are...practically ready to ring in the new year!!  Before the big day, we had lots of fun stuff going on.

The week before Christmas, Liam had his Christmas lunch at school, complete with a visit from Santa himself.  Of course, Liam was rocking a festive outfit for the occasion:

 A few days later, Jake had his very last basketball game and got a trophy at the end:

Liam continued his tradition of keeping himself entertained with the Leap Pad for the last game of the season:

 Later that day, we went to the annual Capo Christmas party....these lucky boys got to see Santa AGAIN!! 

 We spent the night at GG and Pappy's that night and had an early bday celebration for moi, and the next day GG babysat the boys so that Brian and I could head to the Steelers game with Dennis and Melissa.  We had a great time and they won!

sweetheart selfies!!!

love this girl!

Jazz hands!!
 My birthday was Monday, and I was excited that the boys got me some Alex and Ani bracelets to add to the one I already had....aren't they pretty?  I already had the "E" initial one from my mother-in-law, Brian and the boys added the chunkier bangle and the "love" one.

Unfortunately, I had to call off sick and drag myself to the doctor on Tuesday :(  I hadn't had a voice for about 5 days and had a hacking cough for over a week.  I wasn't prepared to be handed one of these when I walked into the doctor's office:

 Yikes!!  I guess it was for flu prevention.  Didn't  make me feel like some type of freak or anything.  No flu for  me, but I did have bronchitis.  After a quick stop at the pharmacy for some antibiotics, I parked myself on the couch for a good portion of the rest of the day and enjoyed some  more Hallmark Christmas movies!! I even found this one, starring Naomi from 90210! 

Nana and PopPop arrived that night, and we were all home the next day for Christmas eve.  We spent most of the day hanging out and doing some Christmas prep, then headed to the early family service at church at 4. 

That night, it was a crockpot roast dinner, followed by cookies and milk for Santa and shuffling the little ones off to bed!!

image courtesy of ifihadamilliondollars.wordpress.com
 Full Christmas post to come later...we hope you have been enjoying the holiday season!!  

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