Monday, October 27, 2014

What we've been up to....

Hello, end of October!!!  I'm not sure where the month went, but here we are!

Poor little Gracie has another bad allergy flare up going on right now (along with an ear infection), so she's been spending a lot of time popping steroids, antibiotics, and resting.  Oh, and getting lots of pets from Dr. Liam, who follows her around sometimes saying "aww....Gwacie, you're ok"  :)


Last Friday, I was able to go into Jake's classroom for a few hours and volunteer for "Pumpkin Fest".  It's so much fun to see him in his element with all of his little friends :)  I had a group of 5 kids to work with on pumpkin themed reading comprehension, science experiments, and a craft.  Here's Jake and our neighbor, Gavin, showing off their decorated pumpkins:


Friday night, we put the boys to work in the yard.  This happens every single year without fail, yet every single year, we are astounded by the number of leaves that fall in the yard.  And how quickly they pile up!  Brian had most of the yard cleared by Saturday afternoon; it was pretty well covered again on Sunday.  BLAH!!


On Saturday, some friends of ours from college came over to visit with their kids!  Whitney and Neal lived in Pittsburgh for awhile after graduation, then moved to Texas, and now they are in New Jersey.  They were in town for Pitt Homecoming, and we were happy to see them.  The kids played really well together, but trying to get them to hold still for a picture was like trying to bathe cats.  This was the best I could do:

On Sunday, the kids were all kinds of pumped up because our church was doing "Pajama Children's Church"...they thought it was the most hysterical thing ever that they could rock their PJs in church!  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture, but they both chose Hugh Hefner button down style jammies, which made it even better :)  Brian was heading to the Steelers game that morning, so me and the boys went down to visit GG and Pappy for the day.  They did a lot of playing, I did a bit of outlet shopping, then we all watched the game.  Oh, and Liam forced Pappy to do puzzles, of course. 

That's a wrap for now, hope you had a great weekend!!

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