Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What we've been up to....

Some of us have recently played "hide the puke" in the house and been tossed in the bathtub, much to our dismay:


Mental note: schedule the shagadelic dog for a hair cut, ASAP.

The besties were in town and we were able to see them and some friends who recently moved to a new house....the kids had a blast together testing out our friends new trampoline!

Jake, Ben, Jack, Sidney, Liam (who was denying needing to go to the bathroom, LOL!)
Some of us get upset when we see crumbs on the floor and have to fix that problem immediately (hint: it's not just me!)

I was running errands last weekend and came home to this lovely arrangement, flowers courtesy of our own backyard!

"I picked the purples, Liam picked the yellows, and daddy picked the pinks because the pink ones have sharp things"  ~Jake


GG went to a consignment sale to stock up on winter wardrobes for the kids (thanks, GG!)...they ended up with semi-matching Skylanders PJs and were ALL ABOUT IT.  Jake is also all about Skylanders in general, even though we don't own the game (he's played it at a few friends houses)...I'm going to guess that may be on his Christmas wish list this year....

Speaking of these two silly kids, there are many days when they are bickering from the second we walk in the door at night until the second we go to bed.  But then there are other days...I don't know what the difference is...but there are other days when they are BFFs once again and it is BLISS.  Here is a shot from a few days ago, when they played quietly and nicely together for over an hour, building a football stadium (complete with locker room!) out of Legos.  No fighting, no crying.  Just building.

I had to drop something off to be altered one day last week and Liam tagged along with me...when we got out of the car, he spotted this mural on a building nearby.  I literally had to drag him away after 5 minutes of staring....why do we bother driving all the way to the zoo??  We could just go 2 minutes from our house and stare at these elephants instead!!

That's a tiny Pitt jersey...train 'em young....H2P!!!

Nana and PopPop had sent the boys Halloween baskets (thank you!), so over the weekend we busted those out and did nearly all of the art projects that were included on a rainy afternoon.  Love all the new decor they made!


That's a wrap for us!

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