Friday, September 12, 2014

What we've been up to....

So what have we been up to lately? A lot?  Nothing at all?  It feels like both of those sometimes.  Let's take a look.....

The kitchen table has basically been taken over as a work station.  Apparently in 1st grade, they really step it up in terms of homework!  In addition to nightly worksheets, Jake also has weekly quizzes for sight words, spelling words, and vocab words (all different sets of words, by the way) and soon he will start having math quizzes, too.  In an effort to be just like his brother, Liam always wants to do his "homework" too, so he ends up at the table a lot working on some coloring or other art.  I need to pick up some workbooks appropriate for him next time I'm out, I think he would get a kick out of really doing a worksheet.

If you watched the last 2 preseason Steelers games, you might have spotted our little celebrity Liam...someone get this kid an agent!! :)  He was featured on the commercials for the Steelers 5K and Kids Kickoff event, which he participated in last year. Here is a screen shot of him in the commercial, pretty cool huh??

We've had to do some shuffling with my work schedule since Brian's surgery, and last week I had an event in the evening on Thursday....with Brian unable to drive, we needed someone to take care of Liam that evening while I was gone so he got to enjoy his very first solo sleepover at GG and Pappy's house!  He had gone over the summer with Jake and did well, but I was a bit nervous for him to go all by himself....turns out I had nothing to worry about, he had a great time!  Here he is on the way to GG's house, resting up for his big day there :)

We decorated for FALL last weekend, hooray!!

Sunday School started back up last weekend (they go on summer hiatus) so the boys put on their Sunday best for that event.  By "Sunday best" for Jake, I mean that he was very upset that I wouldn't let him sport an actual Steelers jersey to church (even though he did provide a valid argument that it was opening day....) so we compromised and he rocked this Steelers polo shirt instead :)  (side note-look at my gorgeous mums in the background!)

Later that day, we tuned into the game of course! Here is our series of Steelers Selfies:

Gracie wanted less cheering, more napping.


After the game, we headed to our neighborhood's annual block party, which is always a fun evening.  This year, we had local magician Al-Mazing, who definitely lived up to his name!

Waiting on his balloon sword and shield

Loving it!

some football practice with daddy

sand art ornament station
Jake and his buddy, Elijah, showing off their balloons


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