Monday, September 8, 2014

"Officially" a Preschooler

I say "officially" because while he moved into that room a few months ago, it was right at the start of their summer camp season so he wasn't really fully immersed in the full experience until last week.  But it was finally September, summer camp was over (can I get a "hallelujah" from my fellow parents who were also sick of the summer camp schlepping of stuff??) and Liam was ready to move into the Preschool 1 are some adorable shots of our little guy on his very first day:

"Make sure you get one of my Mickey backpack, mommy!"
He's still super into puzzles and his teachers said during free play choice, he will almost always pick puzzles if they're available.  When he's not doing puzzles, he can be found hanging out with his bestie, Maya, playing house together :)  (when I hear things like that, I REALLY wish we had one of those daycares that had videocameras with live feeds in the classrooms...preferably with audio....can you imagine the scene of cuteness that it must be there??)

His teacher told me just the other day that overall, she's been very impressed with how easily he transitioned into the next room, especially given the fact that he was adamantly against making the switch over.  But now that he's adjusted (and is fully potty trained, I might add!), he really seems to like it. 

She also shared with me a really funny story....she said that of all the boys in preschool 1, Liam is probably the most quiet/reserved.  As I said, he tends to stick to quiet things like puzzles and crafts, and doesn't speak up a whole lot in group situations (he gets that from me!)  They have a little "stage" like area (it's just 3 small stairs that lead to a slightly raised area) where the teacher will sit to read books and talk to the kids during circle time.  Sometimes they will let the kids come up and talk about something, or say their ABCs, etc....but Liam always declines going up there.  Then one day, she asked him if he wanted to come up and sing a song or share anything with the class and instead of shyly shaking his head no or turning away, he said "sure" and climbed right up.  Don't you know that kid who hadn't said much of anything all summer in that room got up on the little stage and belted out nearly all of the words to "Let It Go" from Frozen??  The teacher said she was blown away and was mad at herself for not having her phone nearby to record it for me!  I would have loved to have seen it :)

If you have little ones starting out in a new classroom or school, I hope the school year is off to a great start for you, too!!

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