Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Liam's 1st trip to the dentist

With age 3 comes many responsibilities....preschool, potty training (still working on that), and the obligation to get your pearly whites examined on a regular basis.  Liam went to the dentist for the first time the other day, and it was a successful trip...no crying, no cavities!  As I expected him to do based on his visits to the pediatrician, he climbed right up in the chair, talked to the hygienist about his favorite things (his friends from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, playing outside, and going swimming) then leaned back for the exam.  All was well! 

Say cheese!!!  See ya in 6 months :)


  1. What a big, good boy! Great job, Liam!

  2. Well, Liam surely has his hands full with his responsibilities. Haha! It sounds like he was eager to get on that chair and talk with his hygienist. I guess he was looking forward to the exam because he knew there was nothing to be worried about, huh? Good job, Liam! :)

    Wallace Tucker @ Robert Kelleher, DDS
