Thursday, May 15, 2014

Easter Weekend 2014

I'm only a month late. 

We are on a holiday rotation schedule where we alternate holidays between our two families (with the exception of Christmas, which I host) and Nana and Poppop were up in the Easter rotation this year!  Easter also happened to coincide nicely with Nana's 60th birthday, so I worked in cahoots with her friend, Joy, to have a little get together to celebrate the night we got there :)

PopPop and his mini me :)

On Saturday, all of the boys headed out to a local playground while Nana and I stayed behind to get stuff ready for Easter dinner (which we were doing that night, since we had to drive back home on Easter) They got in a little baseball practice:

And played on the playground:

After that, it was time to come home and greet the other family that arrived!  And time to practice more baseball, of course.

After a delicious meal, it was time to head to bed so that the giant bunny could come to visit. 

I hope everyone else had a great Easter, too!!

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