Thursday, May 29, 2014

Recap of Liam's Birthday Weekend

The past month and a half has been an absolute whirlwind around here! (which explains the neglect of this blog)  Liam's birthday weekend was one of the whirlwind times: I went to DC for a family wedding while Brian went to his hometown for the wedding of two very good friends from his childhood.  We split the weddings, but he took both of the kids with him since Nana and PopPop could babysit during the wedding, so they had a mini celebration out there the morning of his birthday before Brian had to get ready for the wedding.  Liam's request was the park and McDonald's :)  Nana and PopPop got him a new bike for his gift, so they loaded that in the car and headed to the park!

Later that night, when given his choice of any type of birthday meal, Liam chose cheese, pancakes, and dessert.  It's his birthday and he can eat odd combinations of food if he wants to!!

The kids had a great time that weekend, and I was really happy to see them the next day and give Liam his presents from us. 

Jake has recently discovered how to photo bomb.  Good times.

And of course, Liam wanted to head outside to show off his new bike to me:

Overall, I'd say the little one had a pretty good birthday!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Liam Joseph!

Dear Liam,

I looked at your hands last night and thought to myself, "How are these the same little hands that came home from the hospital?"  The little hands that were able to do so little aside from grasp a finger...those same hands now color, throw balls, zipper coats, and hold utensils.  Those same chubby hands grab my face and smoosh it up in preparation to give me a good morning kiss.  Those same hands grip the chain link fence that surrounds the playground at daycare, as you start to jump up and down when I walk toward you.  Those same hands that grip tight around your daddy's neck when he carries you on his shoulders. Those same hands fly up in the air with excitement when we get home and you see your big brother for the first time since that morning.

How are those the same hands that were oh so very tiny just three years ago??

You are now THREE years old, Little!!  It's been a whirlwind of a year for you....changing classrooms at daycare, going to Disney World, learning so much, and growing like crazy.  You are known as one of the cuddliest/most lovey kids at your daycare, constantly passing out hugs and kisses to anyone you encounter.  Your teachers let me in on a little secret, which is that they let you get away with probably more than they should at school because (and I quote) you're "just too much cuteness and charm to handle"  Shhh...don't tell your classmates! ;)

You've learned so much over the past year, and your vocabulary just exploded one day.  They are working with you at school how to properly pronounce "three"; right now, you say "fwee" and truth be told, as much as I know you *should* learn how to say it correctly, I don't want you to do that.  I love the little "Liam-isms".

Your favorite activities include doing anything that Jake is doing, playing outside, building puzzles, coloring, and snuggling.  I keep waiting for your love of snuggling to just go away one day (and when that day comes I will become depressed!) but it is definitely still here.  Even though I have about a thousand things to do every night after you go to bed, I find it so hard to resist your tiny voice saying, "Can you lay with me, mommy?  Please let's snuggle!"  (to make it even better, your l's are usually said as w's or y's, so it's actually more like "yay with me" and "pwease yet's snuggle!")   Oh, and eating!  Of course, the eating.  You still have a very solid appetite :)  We haven't gone for your 3 year check up yet, but when we were at the doctor earlier in the week for an ear infection (boo!) you were about 33 pounds.

You still tend to reject watching TV a lot of times, which I know isn't the worst thing in the world (even though it would sometimes be easier if I could buy myself 30 minutes with a show!); you much prefer to follow your dad and I around the house :)  When you do watch, your favorite shows are Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Octonauts.  You are pretty much obsessed with the Lion King, the Jungle Book, and Frozen as far as movies go.  You love to read books, pretty much any books, though you have this habit of picking one and only wanting to read just that one single book for a full week then changing it up to another one after that.  We always say you go all in for everything in life! 

We are so very proud of you Liam, and we look forward to seeing what the next year holds for you!

2 weeks old
6 months old
1 year old
1.5 years old
2 years old
2.5 years old
3 years old

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Easter Weekend 2014

I'm only a month late. 

We are on a holiday rotation schedule where we alternate holidays between our two families (with the exception of Christmas, which I host) and Nana and Poppop were up in the Easter rotation this year!  Easter also happened to coincide nicely with Nana's 60th birthday, so I worked in cahoots with her friend, Joy, to have a little get together to celebrate the night we got there :)

PopPop and his mini me :)

On Saturday, all of the boys headed out to a local playground while Nana and I stayed behind to get stuff ready for Easter dinner (which we were doing that night, since we had to drive back home on Easter) They got in a little baseball practice:

And played on the playground:

After that, it was time to come home and greet the other family that arrived!  And time to practice more baseball, of course.

After a delicious meal, it was time to head to bed so that the giant bunny could come to visit. 

I hope everyone else had a great Easter, too!!

Handmade and heartfelt Mother's Day cards

No captions necessary for these, but they are one of my favorite parts of Mother's Day every year.  When do they stop doing Mother's Day crafts in school??  Please say senior year of high school. 

from Jake, he wrote the words himself this year :)

from Liam

from Liam

Friday, May 2, 2014

Baseball: Opening Day!

We've had lots of rain over the past week, which meant a cancelled practice followed by a cancelled game...but these boys finally got to have their first game last night!  We graduated to "real" baseball instead of the casual league we had been playing in the past 2 years.  Really, the only difference is that there is now a weeknight commitment in addition to a Saturday game or practice, so that's been a challenge to adjust to, but overall, Jake has been handling it well.  Probably better than I have, at least.  I am not even sure what we're eating on those weeknight practices, it's kind of a feeding frenzy of whatever I can scrounge together and throw on the table before we have to walk out the door.

Here's my handsome boy, all ready for the big game!! He felt like he won the lottery, their team is the Pirates :)

Shot of the kids on the bench...Jake is toward the right with the white helmet.  I have no idea what the kid next to him is doing.

And a video of his first hit of the season!!