Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year/Merry Christmas/We're Still Alive!!

I took a blogging break (and a break from just about everything, including wearing real pants) for all of Christmas break to relax, and enjoy the time with the kids, friends, and family.  It will take me a few posts to totally catch up, so we'll start with a bit of pre-Christmas fun first.  Some pics of my handsome boys, all decked out in their festive gear for school:

"High five to these sweet outfits mom put us in today!"
He gets all of his best dance moves from his mama.

We had LOTS going on the weekend before Christmas: I was in charge of the holiday party at Jake's school Friday afternoon, a cookie exchange/get together/gift exchange with some friends Friday night, birthday party Saturday morning, followed by a Christmas party that evening, my own birthday on Sunday and some visitors that day.  Oh yeah, and in between that stuff, I was prepping to host Christmas at my house!!  But it was nice to have some fun things to do, and get to visit with so many people, so I won't complain! 

We always look forward to the annual Capo Christmas Party, especially now that the man in the big red suit makes an appearance for the kiddos!

After stuffing ourselves at the party, we headed back to GG and Pappy's house to do a little pre-birthday celebration with cake and gifts. Sunday rolled around and I officially turned 33!  The boys got me some new slippers (love!), and Brian got me a spa gift card to treat myself to some pampering....bliss!!  Nate and Katie came to visit us later that morning, and stayed to enjoy a delicious Mad Mex birthday lunch, YUM!!  The kids got some awesome new toys from them:

pumped for his new ninja turtle figures!

Later that day, we just relaxed at home and watched the Steelers game...a great weekend before Christmas, and a great birthday! 

Liam says, better luck next season!! :)

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