Friday, November 8, 2013

Disney Recap: Chef Mickey's/EPCOT/day of rest

 Just joining us for the recap?  Check out all of the previous Disney World posts here!

After a long and tiring day at Hollywood Studios, we were looking forward to a more laid back approach to this day!  At 8:20am, we had breakfast reservations at Chef Mickey's, located in the Contemporary Hotel.  The plan after that was to head over to EPCOT for just a few hours to hit some of the main attractions, then relax poolside the rest of the afternoon.

Full dining reviews to follow, but I will give a teaser that Chef Mickey's was my 2nd favorite meal of the week.  Delicious food and speedy service...can't go wrong!

After stuffing ourselves silly, it was time to take the monorail over to EPCOT!  We had 3 Fast Pass + reservations at EPCOT, and that was pretty much what we got through there before deciding to head back to the resort.  We LOVED Soarin', that was great!  And I have to say, what became one of my favorite things of the trip was Turtle Talk with Crush!  It was an awesome interactive show that had everyone cracking and grown ups!  We also did the Under the Sea with Nemo ride, which was cute.

Kids are friends, not food.

There was an aquarium in the Nemo section complete with a manatee!  They kids loved that manatee and we finally had to drag them away with the promise of the resort pool.

After a quick lunch at the resort, it was time to hit the pool!  These kids were more than ready!

Did you die seeing his little pool cover up? You just died a little from cuteness overload, didn't you?  The Art of Animation had 3 pools; the kids checked out the Little Mermaid pool on the first day, this is the Nemo pool, and we never made it to the Cars pool.  This one featured some waterfall jellyfish and a separate splash pad/water play area, it was all very cute.

"Oh thank God she's not dragging us around a park all day today"
I'd say that the day wore the kids out, they were totally zonked and dreaming of the next day at Animal Kingdom.....

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